Metric Import Tasks

Metric packages have default import tasks available for importing and transferring data.

You can run these tasks as they are, modify them to fit your organization's needs, or create new import tasks.

These default tasks are available in your metric package, in the Metric maintenance folder.

Import Data From Files Into the Staging Area

You can use this task to load data from tab-delimited files into the staging tables. This is useful when your data is currently maintained in a spreadsheet or database. This task can be run at anytime without changing what is visible in Metric Studio.

Import and Transfer Data From Files Into the Metric Store

You can use this task to load data from all data sources into the staging tables and then transfer it into the metric store. The data will be appear in Metric Studio but no derived values or calculated metrics will be visible. This task also updates the search index.

Transfer Data From the Staging Area Into the Metric Store

You can use this task to move data from staging tables into the metric store. The data in the staging tables can be from imported tab-delimited files, or from another source such as Metric Designer. You can run this task after importing data from files into the staging tables. This task also updates the search index.