Containment rules for multitenancy

Multiple tenants can co-exist in a single IBM® Cognos® content store. The tenant containment rules maintain security and ensure isolation between tenants. These rules dictate how the content is created and where it can be located.

Every object in the content store has a tenant ID value that indicates which tenant the object belongs to. The object tenant ID can be created in several ways. If the current logged-in user creates the object, the object tenant ID is the same as the user's tenant ID.

The tenant ID of an object must be the same as the tenant ID of its parent, unless the parent tenant ID is public. If the parent tenant ID is public, the tenant ID for the child can be changed to any value. For more information, see Setting a tenant ID for a public object.

Model and modelView objects inherit their tenant ID from the package. For example, models published to a public package are always public.

System administrators can run a content store consistency check to detect instances of violation of the tenant containment rules. For more information, see Creating and running a content store consistency check.