Delegated tenant administration

System administrators can delegate tenant administration tasks to members of the Tenant Administrators role.

If the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping property is configured, Tenant Administrators can access only tenants that are defined in their bounding set. They are further restricted by the Cognos® BI security policies assigned to the content by system administrators. In this situation, Tenant Administrators are considered bounded tenant administrators.

If the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping property is not configured, Tenant Administrators bypass tenancy checking and are restricted only by the Cognos BI security policies assigned to the content by system administrators. In this situation, Tenant Administrators are considered unbounded tenant administrators.

Tenant Administrators can perform the following administration tasks for one or multiple tenants:

Tenant Administrators cannot perform the following tasks:

Tip: The Tenant Administrators role is one of the built-in entries in the Cognos namespace. For more information about these types of Cognos BI entries, see Built-in entries.

For information about the role of System Administrators in a multitenant environment, see Tenant administration.