Deleting or Restoring Unconfigured Namespaces

You can preserve namespaces and all their contents in the content store even if they are no longer configured for use in IBM® Cognos® software. When a namespace is not configured, it is listed as inactive in the directory tool.

An inactive namespace is one that was configured, but later deleted in IBM Cognos Configuration. The namespace can be deleted from the content store by members of the System Administrators role. You cannot log on to an inactive namespace.

If a new version of IBM Cognos software detects a previously configured namespace that is no longer used, the namespace appears in the directory tool as inactive. You can configure the namespace again if you still require the data. If the namespace is not required, you can delete it.

When you delete a namespace, you also delete all entries in My Folders that are associated with that namespace, and their contents.

An active namespace cannot be deleted, but can be updated.

To recreate a namespace in IBM Cognos Configuration, you must use the original ID of the namespace. For information about configuring and recreating namespaces, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.