Configure the Document Lookup Table

The document format lookup table is used to look up file extensions when downloading document objects. Most browsers require file extensions to determine which program to use to open the file.

If the name of the file being downloaded does not end with the expected extension, the portal will append one based on the document lookup table, found in the system.xml file.

The following example shows the document format code:

<param name="documentFormats">
	<format extension="doc" id="application/vnd.coc-wd"/>
	<format extension="xls" id="application/vnd.coc-xl"/>
	<format extension="ppt" id="application/vnd.coc-pp"/>
	<format extension="xlsx" 	id="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.
	<format extension="pptx" id="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.
	<format extension="docx" id="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.