Customizing Data Formats for Query Studio

You can customize the data formats that are available for selection in Query Studio.

The data formats listed in the following table are defined in the c10_location/configuration/cogformat.xml file.

Table 1. Customizing data formats for Query Studio, formats and XML code

Data format


XML code



December 19, 2003

formatList name = qsdates


11:05 PM


formatList name = qstimes

Date and time

19/12/03 13:30

Dec 19, 03 1:30 PM

formatList name = qsdatetimes

Time interval




formatList name = qsintervals

Negative numbers



formatList name = qsnegatives

Decimal character



formatList name = rsnumberinput

By modifying the cogformat.xml file, you can change the order in which data formats are presented in Query Studio. You can also change the text string that appears in Query Studio or delete a data format.

If the data formats that you prefer are not available in Query Studio, you can add them to the file.

Note: If you upgrade to a new version of IBM® Cognos® software, your changes to the cogformat.xml file are not reflected in the new version of the file. Make a copy of the file before the upgrade, then replace the new version with your changed version.