Example - Drill Through from an OLAP Report to a DMR Report
You want to drill through from an IBM® Cognos® Analysis
Studio report named Top 10 Promotions by Retailers, based on the package
Sales and Marketing (cube) to a Report Studio report named Promotion
Plan Revenue, based on the package Sales and Marketing (conformed).
You set the drill-through definition up in the package, so that the Promotion Plan Revenue report is available to any report based on the source package, and you use dynamic drill through, instead of defining parameters.
You must have the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence samples from the deployment zip file IBM_Cognos_DrillThroughSamples installed to follow this exercise. By default, the samples are installed in the Public Folders in IBM Cognos Connection.
Te following figure shows the target report for the context of the source, which is Campaign.
Figure 1. Drill-through example, from an OLAP report
to a DMR report