Installing Fonts

IBM® Cognos® software uses fonts to display HTML reports and pages in browsers, to render PDF reports on the IBM Cognos server, and to render charts used in PDF and HTML reports.

To display output correctly, fonts must be available where the report or chart is rendered. In the case of charts and PDF reports, the fonts must be installed on the IBM Cognos server. For example, if a Report Studio user selects the Arial font for a report, Arial must be installed on the IBM Cognos server to properly render charts and PDF files. If a requested font is not available, IBM Cognos software substitutes a different font.

Because HTML reports are rendered on a browser, the required fonts must be installed on the personal computer of each IBM Cognos software user who will read the HTML report. If a requested font is not available, the browser substitutes a different font.

When creating reports, you must select fonts that your IBM Cognos server or users have installed. Microsoft delivers a broad selection of fonts with different language packs, so this will likely not be an issue in Microsoft Windows operating system. However, UNIX servers rarely have fonts installed. You should be prepared to purchase and install the fonts you need on both the server and browser clients.

For information about PDF file settings, see PDF File Settings. For information on using PDF format in reports, see Report formats. For information about configuring fonts and about mapping substitute fonts, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.