HTML Viewer

Use this portlet to insert any Web page into a page. The Web page is specified by a URL address.

The following table shows the properties that you can change.

Table 1. HTML Viewer portlet properties




Specifies the title of the portlet. If no title is specified, the Web page URL address is used by default.

You can specify a title for each supported language version of the product.


Specifies the product language version in which the title appears. You can assign the same title for multiple language versions.

HTML content

Specifies the URL address of the Web page you want to insert in the portlet.

Channel name

Enables communication between this portlet and other IBM® Cognos® Utility portlets in a page.

The portlets can communicate using the default, empty channel. To set up communication between specific portlets, type the same channel name for the portlets that you want to interact.

The channel name can contain only letters, numbers, and underscore (_) characters, and must not contain any spaces. For example, Cognos, Cognos_Portlets, or CognosPortlets.

Portlet height in pixels

Specifies the portlet height in pixels.

If the report image is larger than this setting, scroll bars appear when you view the report.

How To Modify the Properties

To modify the properties for this portlet, click the edit button to open the properties page. If the edit button is disabled or not visible, the administrator did not make these settings available to you. For more information, see Control Access to Portlets.

In the portlet properties page, to reset the default portlet settings, or to return to the settings specified by your administrator, click the reset button Reset icon in the portlet title bar. To exit the properties page without saving the changes, click the return button Return icon or click Cancel.

  • In SAP Enterprise Portal, portlets are named iViews. This document may refer to iViews as portlets.
  • In Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, portlets are named Web Parts. This document may refer to Web Parts as portlets.