Schema for Data Source Commands

When you work with data source connections, you can also add or edit data source commands.

Data source commands are run when the query engine performs specific actions on a database, such as opening a connection or closing a user session. For example, you can use data source commands to set up an Oracle proxy connection or virtual private database. For more information, see Passing IBM Cognos Context to a Database.

A data source command block is an XML document that is used to specify the commands that the database should run.

This document contains reference material about each element in the XML schema that defines the command blocks.

After the description of each element, separate sections describe

There are also code samples that show how you can use elements in a command block.

The list of children for each element is presented as a DTD model group, and elements are listed in the order that they must occur. The following standard notation is used.

Table 1. Standard notation for editing data source commands



Plus sign (+)

The preceding element may be repeated more than once but must occur at least once.

Question mark (?)

The preceding element is optional. It may be absent or it may occur exactly once.

Asterisk (*)

An asterisk (*) after an element specifies that the element is optional. It may occur zero or more times.


If an element has no plus sign (+), question mark (?), or asterisk (*) following it, the element must occur only once.


Parentheses group elements. Element groups are controlled using the same symbols as elements.

Bar (|)

A bar (|) between elements specifies that one of the listed elements must be present.

Comma (,)

The elements that it separates must be present in the specified order.