Watch Rules in Saved Reports

Report users define watch rules in IBM® Cognos® Viewer so that they can monitor events of interest to them in saved reports.

You can view and edit watch rules in a single location from the My Watch Items area in IBM Cognos Connection

Watch rules are based on numeric event conditions that are evaluated when a report is saved, not when the report runs interactively. When an event condition is satisfied, an email message or news item alerts the report user. Alternatively, the report user can alert other users by sending notifications to their task inbox.

You can create event conditions using numeric measures only in saved HTML reports. You can define an unlimited number of conditions for a report. The conditional report output uses the same locale information as the report that contains the event condition.

The report owner must enable watch rules for the report Enable Watch Rules for a Report before a report user can create watch rules and send alerts.

To create watch rules, the report user must have read and traverse permissions to the report output.