Creating and running content store utilization tasks

Content store utilization tasks provide insight into the content store usage.

You can determine how many instances of each object type users from your tenants have in the content store and the amount of space that those instances are taking. You can also determine more detailed information, such as the size of every object.

About this task

This information can be used for billing and provisioning purposes. For example, billing decisions can be based on the instance count of particular object types, such as reports. Provisioning decisions can be made by determining which tenants should be moved to a different IBM® Cognos® instance because of the amount of space that they are using.

After content store utilization tasks are created, you can run them on demand, at a scheduled time, or based on a trigger. The resulting .csv files can be used as data sources to create reports in IBM Cognos BI.


  1. In IBM Cognos Administration, click the Multitenancy tab.
  2. Click the create content utilization icon Create content utilization icon in the toolbar.
  3. Specify the task name, and optionally a description and screen tip.
  4. For the Tenant property, click Set to select the tenant ID that you want to be associated with this task. If you do not select the tenant at this point, the task will be created with the current session tenant ID.
  5. Select the tenant or tenants that you want to include in this content utilization task by using the arrows icons to move the tenants from the Available box to the Selected box.
  6. In the Options section, specify how to save the information to the log files after this task is run:
    • Under File, if you select One for all tenants, the information for all tenants is saved in a single file. If you select One per tenant, the information for each tenant is saved in a separate file.
    • Under Granularity, if you select By object type and tenant, a high-level summary of information about each tenant is saved. The summary includes an instance count and the total size of each object type in the content store grouped by tenant. If you select All objects, a detailed summary of information about each object in the content store is saved. The summary includes the object tenantID, name, storeID, parentStoreID, and size.
  7. Choose how to run the task:
    • To run the task now or later, click Save and run once. Specify a time and date for the run, and click Run.
    • To schedule the task at a recurring time, click Save and schedule. Then, select the frequency, start and end dates, and click OK.
      Tip: To temporarily disable the schedule, select the Disable the schedule check box. To view the schedule status, see Manage Scheduled Activities.
    • To save the task without scheduling or running, click Save only.


The new task appears on the Configuration tab, in Content Administration. You can modify or run the task later.

The log files that result from running the content store utilization tasks are saved in the logs directory that is specified in IBM Cognos Configuration with the following names:
  • cmUtilization_date_stamp.csv when the One for all tenants option was used.
  • cmUtilization_date_stamp_tenant_ID.csv when the One per tenant option was used.