Rebuilding the solution file

The solution file allows you to specify configuration settings prior to deployment. After editing the solution file, you need to rebuild it.

Before you begin

The solution file facilitates support for multiple Cognos® servers. To display report content from multiple Cognos servers in SharePoint, the deployment package must first be configured to point to one of the Cognos servers. After deployment, the SharePoint Web Part can be edited to point to a different Cognos server. The following properties must be changed to specify another Cognos server:

  • gateway.wsdl.url
  • authentication.sharedSecret
  • authentication.namespace
  • authentication.excludeDomain
  • webcontent.url
  • gateway.url

Another option to support multiple Cognos servers is to manually create a copy of the *Cognos*.dwp files that exist in wpcatalog and then edit the copies to point to another Cognos server.


  1. Open the file. The file is located in c10-location\cps\sharepoint\solution.
  2. Update the following properties:
    Table 1. Properties in the file
    Property Description


    Names the WSDL URL used by the IBM® Cognos web parts to query the IBM Cognos server.


    Specifies the shared secret used for single signon. This value must match the shared secret specified under Portal Servicesin the IBM Cognos configuration.


    Specifies the authentication namespace ID.


    Excludes the domain from the username before it is sent to the Cognos namespace for authentication. The value is either true or false.


    Specifies the URL to Cognos webcontent


    Specifies the URL to the Cognos CGI

  3. Run the build.bat file to rebuild the solution file. The file is located at c10-location\cps\sharepoint\solution.


The configuration settings specified in the solution file are deployed to SharePoint. After deployment, these settings can be changed in SharePoint using the settings on the Edit preferencespage. For more information, see Configure Cognos Web Part connection settings.