Creating and testing the drill-through definition

You can create and test the drill-through definition to ensure that they work properly.

In addition to the procedure, you can also try the following:

  • In the drill-through definition, change the prompt settings for the target report.
  • In the Sales and Marketing (cube) package, create a report that does not use the Revenue measure, and confirm that the Actual vs Planned Revenue report is no longer available as a drill-through target.
  • A sample drill-through definition also exists for the same target report, Actual vs. Planned Revenue, from the PowerPlay® Studio report Revenue by Order Method. If you use PowerPlay Studio, check the source and target reports and try to recreate the drill through definition.
  • If you have permission to debug drill-through definitions, then you can view the parameters passed from the source (View passed source values) and available in the target (from the drop down beside the target report name, select View Target Mapping).


  1. In IBM® Cognos® Connection, navigate to the Sales and Marketing (cube) package.
  2. On the IBM Cognos Connection toolbar, click Launch > Drill-through Definitions.
  3. On the Drill-through Definitions toolbar, click the New Drill-through Definition icon.
    Tip: If you do not see the New Drill-through Definition icon, check that you are at the root of the folder, and not still in the Analysis Studio Reports folder.
  4. In the Drill-through Definition wizard, type the name Drill Through From Custom Rank to Revenue Details and a description, and click Next.
  5. Click Set the scope, and in the screen that appears, set the scope to the Revenue measure, and then click OK.
  6. Click Set the target, and in the screen that appears, set the target report to Actual vs. Planned Revenue, in the Report Studio Report Samples folder of the Sales and Marketing (cube) package.
  7. In the Prompt Values table, map the parameters pMethod and pYear in the target to the metadata in the source:
    • confirm that values in the Type column are Connection

      Use the value Connection when you link dimensional data sources.

    • for the pMethod parameter, click the edit button and select [sales_and_marketing].[Order method].[Order method].[Order method type] from the metadata tree.
    • for the pYear parameter, click the edit button and select [sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Year] from the metadata tree.
  8. Set Display Prompt Pages to Only when required parameter values are missing.
  9. Follow the instructions on the screen to save the drill-through definition.
  10. Go to the Custom Rank Sample report, right-click outside the report data, and select Go To, Related Links.
  11. Go to the Custom Rank Sample report, right-click on a cell in the cross-tab, and select Go To.

    A list of possible targets for the package and the data that is in scope appears, including the Actual vs. Planned Revenue report.

  12. Click the Actual vs. Planned Revenue, and the report runs using the context you selected.

    The drill-through definition that you have created should be identical to the sample definition MeasureDrill.