Drill Up or Drill Down

You can drill up and drill down within a report that is run from IBM® Cognos® Connection.

Reports run from IBM Cognos Connection appear in IBM Cognos Viewer.

To run reports, or drill to targets that run reports in the delimited text (CSV), PDF, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS), or XML output formats, you require the generate output capability for the specific format. For more information, see Report formats.

In lists and crosstabs, hyperlinks identify drillable items. In charts, the pointer changes to a hand when you pause the pointer over a drillable item, and a tooltip indicates what you are drilling on. For example, a column chart shows revenue by product line by year. You can drill on a single axis, such as product line or year. You can also drill on both axes, such as Camping Equipment and 2005. In this case, you are drilling on the intersection of Camping Equipment and 2005.

If groups of data items from different queries are linked, when you drill up or drill down in one query, the data item also drills up or drills down in the linked queries. For more information about how to link groups of data items, see the IBM Cognos Report Studio User Guide.

After you drill up or drill down, you can save the report as a report view for later viewing. For more information, see Create a Report View.

The drill-up and drill-down functionality is available only when you use dimensionally structured data and view the report in HTML format. You can drill only on members in a level.

By default, the drill-up and drill-down functionality is enabled.


  1. Run the report in IBM Cognos Connection and view it in IBM Cognos Viewer.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can open an Analysis Studio report or Query Studio report in their respective studios.
  2. Right-click the report item you want to drill on and click Drill Up or Drill Down Drill up or drill down icon.