Configuring the tenant bounding set that is based on a custom provider

You can create a custom Java class that is started during the user authentication process to determine the tenant bounding set. You must use the IBM® Cognos® Software Development Kit for this method.

When using this method, you must map the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping > Provider Class property in IBM Cognos Configuration to a custom Java™ class.

Before you begin

Before you can configure the tenant bounding set by using this method, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Compile any required custom Java class files into JAR files, and either place the files into the c10_location/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib directory with any associated files, or update the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the path to these files.
  • Implement the IBoundingSetProvider interface by using the IBM Cognos Custom Authentication Provider. In this interface, define a custom Java class that you can later use when you configure the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping > Provider Class property. For example, the name can be com.example.class. For more information, see the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit Custom Authentication Provider Developer Guide.


  1. Open IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. Choose whether to configure this setting globally for all namespaces, or for a specific namespace.
    • To configure this setting for all namespaces, in the Explorer window, for the Security category, click Authentication.
    • To configure this setting for one namespace, in the Explorer window, for the Security category, click Authentication. Then, click the namespace that you want to configure.
  3. In the Multitenancy group of properties, click the edit button for the Tenant ID Mapping property.
  4. In the Tenant Bounding Set Mapping box that is displayed, specify your mapping in the following way:
    1. For Type, select Provider Class.
    2. For Value, type the Java class name that you defined in the IBoundingSetProvider interface by using the IBM Cognos Custom Authentication Provider.

      For example, type ~/parameters/boundingSet, where ~/parameters is a constant part of the syntax and boundingSet is the custom property name.

    3. Click OK.
  5. If you need to specify any custom property, in the Account Mappings (Advanced) group of properties, perform the following actions:
    1. Click in the Value column for Custom properties, and click the edit button.
    2. In the Value - Custom properties window, click Add.
    3. Specify the property Name and Value as required.
    4. Click OK.
  6. Test your multitenancy configuration.
    1. Right-click either Authentication or the namespace (depending on your choice in step 2) and click Test.
    2. Log on using the credentials of the system administrator, and click OK.
    3. Click the Details button and read the information that is displayed.

    If this setting is properly configured, the Tenant bounding set is displayed in the details. If this setting is not displayed, ensure that the value is correct and test again.

  7. If the testing was successful, from the File menu, click Save.
  8. Restart the IBM Cognos service for the changes to take effect.