Customizing error-handling on the SMTP mail server

The way in which an SMTP mail server handles errors can differ depending on your mail server implementation. For this reason, you can customize the actions that the delivery service should take when it encounters specific errors by setting up SMTP rules in an XML file.

A set of default rules for error-handling is stored in a sample file provided with IBM® Cognos® software. To customize the rules, you should create a copy of this file and amend it. You then configure the delivery service to use this file.


  1. Copy the c10_location\configuration\smtpRules-sample.xml file to the c10_location\webapps\ p2pd\WEB-INF\classes folder.

    Note: To use your own file rather than a copy of the sample file, copy it to the same folder.

  2. If you are using the sample file, rename the copied file to smtpRules-custom.xml.
  3. Open the required file in an XML or text editor.
  4. Amend the file to customize the rules.
  5. Start IBM Cognos Connection.
  6. Click Launch, IBM Cognos Administration.
  7. On the Status tab, click System.
  8. From the All Servers drop-down menu, click Services, Delivery.
  9. From the drop-down menu next to DeliveryService, click Set properties.
  10. Click the Settings tab.
  11. Next to Environment, click Edit.
  12. In the Parameter column, type the parameter name
  13. In the Value column, type the name of the customized xml file you are using.
  14. In the Parameter column, type the parameter name

    Although not mandatory, it is useful to set this parameter for testing purposes so that the SMTP rules are read for every request.

  15. In the Value column, type true.
  16. Click OK.
  17. In the Set properties page, click OK.

    When you have finished testing the rules, you must reset the parameter.

  18. Repeat steps 5 to 11 to access the advanced settings.
  19. In the Value column for the parameter, type false.
  20. Click OK.