To set up the Essbase cube sample, you must
have Oracle Essbase and Essbase Integration Services Console installed.
you can set up the smaller Essbase cube which
is a filtered version of the full version, GODWENU.
To set up the small version, unzip,
load the otl and txt file
in the Essbase environment before you follow the precedure.
- Go to the c10_location\webcontent\samples\datasources\cubes\Essbase\Outlines_and_Raw_Data directory.
This directory contains zip files for the different languages,
such as or for
English and Japanese, respectively.
- Unzip the file for your language.
zip file contains the following two files:
- languageU_Data.txt, such
as ENU_Data.txt or JAU_Data.txt.
- GODWlanguageU.otl, such
as GODWENU.otl or GODWJAU.otl.
- Using block storage in Essbase, create a Unicode application.
- Within the application, create a new database.
can use GODWlanguageU, such
your database name, or use the name of your choice.
- Copy and paste the GODWlanguageU.otl file
in your database directory.
- If the database name specified in step 4 is different than GODWlanguageU,
rename the GODWlanguageU.otl file
to match the database name that you created.
that you want to overwrite the otl file.
- In Essbase Administration Services console,
open your database outline and save it.
Confirm that
you want to save the outline even if it was not changed.
- Copy the languageU_Data.txt file
and paste it in the same directory as the otl file.
- In Essbase Administration Services console,
right-click the database you created and select Load Data.
- Browse to the languageU_Data.txt file
in your database directory, select the file, and click OK.
- After the data loads successfully, right-click the database
and select Execute Calculation.
- Select the default calculation, and click OK.
The calculation process may take up to 5 hours, depending
on the computer where Essbase OLAP Server is installed.
You can now create a data source connection to the cube.