Enable Single Signon for Oracle WebCenter Interaction Portal Using Basic Authentication

You can configure a portlet in WebCenter Interaction Portal to send the username and password as an HTTP Basic authentication header. The header can be used with an authentication namespace to provide single signon.


  1. In IBM® Cognos® Configuration, configure a namespace to authenticate portal users.

    For instructions, see the topic about configuring LDAP, or IBM Cognos Series 7 authentication providers in the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. Install an alternate CGI or ISAPI or servlet gateway in IBM Cognos.

    For instructions, see the topic about installing IBM Cognos BI in the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  3. Configure the gateway.

    For instructions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  4. In the administration console of the Web server, configure the virtual directories to access the gateway.

    For more information, see the documentation for your Web server.

  5. Configure the WebCenter Interaction remote server to access IBM Cognos BI:
    • Edit the cpsalui.properties file in the c10_location/cps/oracle/webapps/gadgets/WEB-INF/classes directory.
    • Change the cps_endpoint property to indicate the URL of the gateway.

      For a CGI gateway, you can use the default setting if the gateway and the remote server are on the same computer. Otherwise, replace the localhost portion with host_name:port

      For a servlet or ISAPI gateway, replace the localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi portion with the values to target the gateway.

      For example,


    • Set the cps_auth_namespace property to the namespace that you want to use for authentication.