My Data Sets Repository

IBM® Cognos® software supports data source connections to user's data sets. The data sets allow a user to import data from a CSV, XLS or XLSX file, create a stand-alone package for the data in IBM Cognos Connection, and generate reports from that data.

You specify connection parameters when you create a data source or modify a data source connection. For more information, see Data Source Creation and Add or Modify a Data Source Connection.

Table 1. Connection parameters used to connect to My Data Sets Repository
Parameter Description


Only the IBM DB2® (JDBC) type is supported.


Enter the URL using the following syntax: jdbc:db2://host:port/database_name

Connection properties

This parameter is optional. If you want your repository to use DB2 BLU accelerated tables, type BLU in this field.

Driver class name


Local Sort Options

The Collation Sequence property is required only in rare cases where there might be sorting discrepancies between IBM Cognos BI and a database. The Cognos query engine can detect certain types of collation sequences in a DB2 database, including 1252-IDENTITY and 1252-UNIQUE. Sorting between local processing and database processing is consistent if the DB2 database is set to one of these collation sequences.


For more information on signon, see Securing data sources.

If a user ID is required in the connection string, type the ID in the User ID box.

If a password is required, select the Password check box, and type the password in the Password and Confirm password boxes.

To create a user ID and password that automatically connects to the data source, select Create a signon that the Everyone group can use. Type the user ID in the User ID box, and then type the password in the Password and Confirm password boxes.