Create and Test the Drill-through Definition

Use the following steps to create and test the drill-through definition between an OLAP and relational package.


  1. In IBM® Cognos® Connection, navigate to the Sales and Marketing (cube) package.
  2. From the upper right hand corner of the screen, click Launch, Drill-through Definitions.
  3. Click New Drill-through Definition in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

    Tip: If you do not see the New Drill-through Definition button, check that you are at the root of the folder, and not still in the PowerPlay Studio Report Samples folder.

  4. In the Drill-through Definition wizard, type a name, such as Drill Through to Total Revenue by Country or Region, and a description, and click Next.

    Tip: This is the name that users see in the Go To page, for example when they have to select from more than one drill-through target. As with any other object in IBM Cognos Connection, you can create translations of this name.

  5. Click Set the target, Select a report... and in the screen that appears, set the target report to Total Revenue by Country or Region, in the Report Studio Report Samples folder of the GO Data Warehouse (query) package, and then click OK.
  6. Click Set the scope, and in the screen that appears, set the scope to [sales_and_marketing].[Retailers].[Retailers].[Retailer country or region], and then click OK.
  7. Click Next.

    In the Action field, select Run with dynamic filter.

  8. Leave all other settings at the default values and click Finish.
  9. Go to the Profit Margin and Revenue by Country or Region report, and click the drill-through icon at the bottom of the screen.
    • If the drill-through definition you created is the only drill-through target available, the target reports runs.
    • If more than one drill-through target is available, a list of possible targets for the package and the data that is in scope appears. Click the drill-through definition that you created, and the target runs using the context you selected.


Report users in PowerPlay® Studio can drill through from the Profit Margin and Revenue by Country or Region report to the target report that you have defined (Total Revenue by Country or Region for Product Line). Also, the target report is available as a drill-through target for any existing or new report based on the Sales and Marketing (cube) package, whenever Retailer Country or Region is part of the scope.

The drill-through definition that you create should be identical to the sample drill-through definition Dynamicdrill in the Sales and Marketing (cube) package.