Partial Deployment Options

During a partial deployment, when you export and import, you can choose the following options.

If you do not select an option when you export, it is not available during import.

Including Report Output Versions

You can choose to include the report output versions Viewing report output versions in your deployment. If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can replace the existing report output versions in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or keep target environment versions.

Including Run History

The run history of a report shows statistics about the status and times when the report ran View the Run History for Entries in your deployment. You can choose whether to include the run history of reports.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can replace the existing report run histories in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or keep target environment histories.

Including Schedules

You can choose whether to include schedules Schedule Management in your deployment. If you do not deploy schedules, they are removed from the jobs and reports in the target environment.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can replace the existing schedules in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or keep target environment schedules.

When you choose to import schedules in the deployment, you can change the imported schedule credentials to your credentials. The credential of a schedule is the credential used to run the report in the schedule. This credential determines the permissions on the report as well as the capabilities that apply to the report execution. If the report does not have the Run as the owner property set to true, then the credential is also used to access the data source, data connection and signon objects. Changing the credential may affect the operation in the following ways:

  • no impact
  • report produces different data as a result of selecting a different connection or signon in the data source
  • report fails to run because the user does not have the proper capabilities or permissions

To change the imported schedule credentials to the credentials of the person doing the import, do the following:

  • Add the advanced setting CM.DeploymentUpdateScheduleCredential and set the value to True. See procedure, Setting advanced Content Manager parameters.
  • When you import to the target environment using the New Import Wizard Importing to a Target Environment, make sure to click Include schedules and select Replace Existing Entries under Conflict Resolution. Next, under Entry ownership, select The user performing the import.

Including Cognos Groups and Roles

You can choose whether to include Cognos groups and roles Users, Groups, and Roles in your deployment.

When you deploy the Cognos groups and roles, you must deploy them all. However, the following built-in groups are not deployed:

  • Anonymous
  • All Authenticated Users
  • Everyone

When you deploy groups, members of the System Administrators group are merged with the members of this group already in the target environment. This ensures that the target environment is accessible in case the deployed members are not valid. However, you may need to modify the membership list when the deployment is complete.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can replace groups and roles in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or to keep target environment groups and roles.

Including Distribution Lists and Contacts

You can choose whether to include distribution lists and contacts in your deployment. If you choose to deploy distribution lists and contacts, you must deploy them all.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can specify whether to replace the distribution lists and contacts in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or to keep the target distribution lists and contacts.

Including Data Sources

You can choose to include data sources and their associated connections Data sources and connections in your deployment. If you choose to deploy data sources, you must deploy them all.

You can deploy the data sources with or without their signons. If you do not deploy the signons, you must configure the data sources accordingly in the target environment. If you deploy the signons, you must encrypt the deployment archive.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can specify whether to replace the data sources in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or to keep the target environment data sources.

If you replace the target data sources, and the data source connections in the source and target environments do not match, you can lose database connections. In this case, you must manually reconnect to the data sources in the target environment after the import, using the database client software.

Including Access Permissions

You can choose to include access permissions Access Permissions in your deployment.

If you select this option, you can choose what to do if there is a conflict. You can specify whether to replace the access permissions in the target environment with those from the deployment archive or to keep the target environment access permissions.

Recording Deployment Details

You can specify what type of information is saved in the deployment records by setting the Recording Level for the deployment. The amount of information kept in the records has an impact on performance.

You can set the following recording levels:

  • Basic

    Saves the deployment progress and summary information. This is the default option.

  • Minimal

    Saves only the deployment summary information. This option requires the least memory.

  • Trace

    Saves all deployment details. This option requires the most memory.

For information about recording deployment details when an entire content store is deployed, see Deployment History.

Ownership Considerations

You can change the ownership of imported entries to the user performing the import. You can select this option at the time of export or import. If you use the owners from the source, the owners are imported along with the entries. You can apply the ownership options to new entries or to new and existing entries.